Becoming Ruthless by Rita H Rowe

A great read with a few unexpected twists

This book follows Ruth, a young woman in her mid-twenties, who quickly becomes jaded with love after a string of relationships that don’t work out. After a failed marriage with an emotionally distant husband, a tryst with a commitment-phobe who simply wasn’t compatible with her and a tragic romance with a man who could have been so good for her, Ruth hardens her heart to love and sets out to play the men in her life. What I loved about this story was how, although I couldn’t relate to Ruth’s motivations in the middle of the book, I felt sympathy for how her mistreatment by men she loved had caused her to act the way she did in the second half of the novel. The writer skillfully shifted my compassion for Ruth towards her romantic partners later in the story – and back to Ruth again after (without giving spoilers) she becomes sympathetic again due to events that happen towards the end. The story ended in a satisfying way too; I like to think that Ruth’s heart becomes healed and that she gets her happy ever after, but she definitely learned from her mistakes and grew as a person during her journey. A great read with a few unexpected twists later in the story.

My rating: 5/5 stars

My review posted on Amazon and Goodreads on 15 December 2021

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